Parenting in the Digital Age: With a Little Help From my Friends

Like many of you, I have recently returned to work after a holiday break. I thought I’d do a little reflection on what went well for our family in terms of parenting in the digital age, and what didn’t. I am lucky to have a great support network of friends who make the job of parenting that much easier. Let me share with you some of the highs, the lows and some interesting nuggets of wisdom I gained over the holiday break.

Digital Highlights

I have to say, there were 3 things we did as a family that I really enjoyed this break. I plan on doing more of them in the future.

1. Blackwood Crossing
This recommendation came from my good friend and former colleague @intrepidteacher. According to the Blackwood Crossing website,

“Blackwood Crossing is a story-driven first-person adventure game. An intriguing and emotive tale exploring the fragile relationship between orphaned siblings, Scarlett and Finn. When their paths cross with a mysterious figure, an ordinary train ride evolves into a magical story of life, love and loss. The game is available to download now on PS4, Xbox One and Steam, priced at £12.99 / $15.99 / €15.99.”

My children’s names are Scarlett and Griffin, so this game certainly held extra appeal for us as a family. What I liked was it wasn’t a shooter game (which I struggle to play effectively), but had story at its heart, meaning we could all sit together and play, taking turns to operate the controller. It felt good to be able to participate together in a game situation where I was on a level playing field with my kids. I think they enjoyed playing with me too. Find out more from

2. Worth it
My family love good food. We quite happily sit in front of Jamie Oliver’s 15 minute meals, or Masterchef etc. My daughter Scarlett found this gem of a show on YouTube. Worth It looks at one type of cuisine (pizza, sushi, ice cream etc), goes to 3 different locations at different price points, then decides which establishment they think is most “Worth it”. There is the occasional expletive (bleeped out and mouth covered on screen), however the content and humour throughout (especially the cameraman, who seldom says a word), makes this a show our whole family enjoys.

3. 1 Second Everyday
Friends Britt and Shaun who spent a year traveling are the inspiration for this fantastic app. Add a 1-second video to the calendar within the app each day, and you can create wonderful slice-of-life videos. I started in January, so I’m really only beginning this journey, but Britt & Shaun made a video lasting a whole year! I hope to have something similar to share at the end of 2018!

Digital Lowlights

Of course things weren’t all moonlight and roses. There were a number of times these holidays when our kids were unsupervised for periods of time watching YouTube videos. That never makes me feel very good. Unsuitable content is so easy to come across unintentionally, and I much prefer having a closer eye on what my kids are watching. That said, I did like sleeping in… A cursory glance of revision history reassures me somewhat – NBA highlight videos and Minecraft video tutorials were the main areas of interest, but since school is back in session, there is little time for such endeavours.


1. Reading Screenwise
I am partway through reading Screenwise:  Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World by Devorah Heitner. One suggestion the author had was to ask your children which of your tech habits is their least favourite (Chapter 6, p.110). I’ll get to that in a moment… I’m glad to be reading this book, as it seems to be a balanced and realistic approach to learning to navigate a digital world, rather than trying to shut it out entirely. Modeling is key. The slow-motion videos and Go-Pro photos we captured while sledding were great fun! I like the blending of the physical and digital worlds where it makes sense, so it has been a good read so far.

2. Captive Audience in the Car
Car journeys to and from school or basketball practice provide the perfect opportunity for asking those curly questions or having frank discussions. As implied, you have a captive audience, and there isn’t any eye-contact necessary, should they be embarrassed about something. Try it! I highly recommend it! I asked my kids which of my tech habits was the most annoying, and they both said, “When you tell us to get off screens but you’re still on your phone.” Touché, my littles, touché. Now that is absolutely fair enough, and something I will be working on in the coming months.

3. Board Games
During the sad days during the holidays when it rained non-stop, we turned to board games to entertain and sustain us. Catan, Yahtzee, Mahjong and Bananagrams all featured this break. Despite early protestations and claims of utter boredom, everyone really enjoyed this change of routine.

4. Exploding Kittens
Exploding Kittens was also high on our list of awesome things to do that the whole family enjoys. If you haven’t given this card game a try, it is an absolute cracker. Exploding Kittens was created by well-known cartoonist The Oatmeal. It is utterly bonkers – in the very best way. Go out and buy it now – your kids will thank you for it.

So how did your holiday go as a parent in the digital age? Any tips to share?